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 1. Dan Hewins  Two Days After A Day At Coney Island  The Deck: Clubs and Spades 
 2. Harve Presnell as Oliver Warbucks, Shelly Burch as Grace, Amanda Balon as Annie, Kathie Lee Gifford as Miss Hannigan, Gary Beach as Lionel, & the Boardwalkers  Coney Island  Annie 2 Story & Songs trom the Sequel 
 3. Good Old War  Coney Island  Only Way to Be Alone   
 4. David Grubbs  Coney Island  UbuWeb / PennSound Archive 
 5. Good Old War  Coney Island  Only Way to Be Alone   
 6. Underwear Meat Clock  08 8-Coney Island Dog   
 7. beat radio  coney island   
 8. Polka Madre  Coney Island  Dead in the eye  
 9. The Excellents  Coney Island Baby  The Doo Wop Box - Vol. I   
 10. Star Island Pelicans  Coney Island Baby  The Pelican Show --- 1974 
 11. Funkabit  LORDS OF CONEY ISLAND  http://www.subdrivemedia.com 
 12. Clint Mansell  Winter: Coney Island Low  Requiem for a Dream 
 13. T. Griffin Coraline  Coney Island Baby  Mix Cassingle 
 14. Clint Mansell & Kronos Quarter  Coney Island Dreaming  Requiem For a Dream  
 15. Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet  Winter: Coney Island Low  Requiem For A Dream 
 16. Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet  Winter: Coney Island Low  Requiem For A Dream 
 17. The Black Eg  Coney Island Nightmare   
 18. the blair st. mugwumps  coney island whitefish  leaning with intent t'fall 
 19. The Honey Brothers  Coney Island Baby  Jan 24 2005 Eugene 
 20. Nada Gordon  Coney Island Avenue  Segue Reading Series / NY, Mar-4-2006 
 21. Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet  Summer: Coney Island Dreaming  Requiem For A Dream  
 22. Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet  Summer: Coney Island Dreaming  OST Requiem For A Dream  
 23. Commercials  Coney Island Penny Machine   
 24. Clint Mansell  Summer: Coney Island Dreaming  Requiem for a Dream  
 25. Ada Jones and Len Spencer  Coming home from Coney Island  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 32981 
 26. Z'ev  Long Cold Nights on Coney Island  Tales from the Poison Swamps 
 27. Z'ev  Long Cold Nights on Coney Island  Tales from the Poison Swamps 
 28. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh's trip to Coney Island (144 rpm)  Edison Record: 3878 
 29. Cal Stewart  Uncle Josh's trip to Coney Island  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 3878 
 30. Helium Ointment  There's A Place At Coney Island That Has Really Really Mediocre Fish Sandwiches  Corn Weenie Remixes 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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